Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

NOTD 1.Weihnachtsfeiertag: Royal-Wintry

Nur ein kurzes Bild von meiner aktuellen Maniküre:/
Just a quick picture of my recent mani:

dunkles Gold/dark gold: Catrice 910 Oh my Goldness!
dunkelblau/ dark blue: Kiko 415
gestampte Schneeflocke/stamping plate for the snow flake: Konad m59 (Use the regular white stamping polish of your's. I tend to use essence stampy polish...until it's empty. No preferences. ; ) )

For my English reading followers:

Kiko is originally an italian cosmetic brand. I don't know whether you can get it in your area but they have an online shop. It is a quite good polish, definetly better than drugstore quality. And they have lots and lots of beautiful colours.°-°

Catrice is a better cosmetic brand you can buy in our drugstores. Their polishes cost a bit more than for instance essence polishes. Sadly they don't have a online store but stores in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, Hungaria, Slovenia.

 To be honest, I don't know what to do with you guys when I show my German brand hauls. That is why I write these nail polish hauls just in German. I hope you are ok with that?!
It is not necessary to use the same polishes. That is why I describe the colours I use as best as I can. If you need the exact same colour some time I'll let you know what I use. ;) Essence is a brand you can get anywhere that is why I write their colours down in detail.

Viele liebe Grüße,/Lots of love,
Polish <3

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